Part of the most extraordinary portion of our 5 acres of gorgeous is our tree line. Martin Garden Center caries around 500 ornamental and shade trees each Spring, and the cascading beauty of the blooms in the Spring is almost overwhelming.

Our Most Popular Trees
Beginning in early March, the Cherry, Redbud, and Magnolia trees begin their glorious blooms, followed quickly by leafing out most varieties of trees in a spectrum of colors. By late mid to late March, the Dogwoods have begun their show. Martin Garden Center places orders for trees often 6-8 months in advance and consequently by late spring, many of our cultivars are sold out and there are no more available on the open market.
As the season progresses, the full color of many of our ornamentals become more pronounced. The Ornamental Plum, and many Redbuds are a big hit with customers. Additionally, customers are often looking for shade trees to plant to help with the summer heat. We try to have 5-8 varieties of shade trees at the beginning of the spring season to provide the best selection to our early shoppers.
Japanese Maples
We carry up to 100 Japanese Maples each spring in 10 or more varieties. Sizes vary from 2-gallon to 10-gallon and they are truly a sight to see. Burgundy, bright green and all colors in between. Weeping and upright varieties, and palmatum leaves and fringe leaves as well. To get the best selection, shop mid-March as all Japanese Maple varieties for the season are usually purchased and on-site by early- to mid-March. Note that only a limited number of Japanese maples grow well in full sun. Most prefer shade in our hot afternoon sun.
Our Normal Selection Of Trees
While we cannot ensure that we are always fully stocked with each variety of tree, we carry the following types on a regular basis:
- Cedar (Cedrus) 2-3 varieties
- Cherry (Prunus) 8-10 varieties
- Chinese Fringe (Chioanthus retusus) 2-3 varieties
- Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) 6-8 varieties
- Dogwood (Cornus) 10-12 varieties
- Ginkgo 3-4 varieties
- Magnolia 5-8 varieties
- Maple, shade (Acer) 3-6 varieties
- Maple, Japanese (Acer palmatum & palmatum dissectum) 8-12 varieties
- Plum (Prunus) 1-2 varieties
- Redbud (Cercis) 8-12 varieties
- River Birch (Betula) 2 varieties
- Serviceberry (Amelanchier) 1-2 varieties
- Smoketree (Cotinus) – 2-4 varieties
- Snowbell (Strax) – 1-3 varieties
- Sourwood (Oxydendrum) – 1 variety
- Willow (Salix) – 2-4 varieties
- Witch Hazel (Hamamelis) – 1-3 varieties
- Zelkova – 1 variety