Mophead Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), less commonly known as Bigleaf Hydrangea, is a deciduous shrub from Japan and China. It is known for its vibrant color variations and ability to change colors based on soil pH. Another standout feature of Hydrangea macrophylla is its captivating flower heads, often resembling fluffy balls or mopheads, thus earning it the common name “Mophead Hydrangea.”

Caring For Mophead Hydrangea
Mophead Hydrangea flourishes in well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter. Amending the soil with compost or well-rotted manure before planting provides essential nutrients and improves moisture retention. While Macrophylla Hydrangea can tolerate various soil types, ensuring good drainage is paramount to prevent issues like root rot.
The shrub prefers partial shade to filtered sunlight, making it well-suited for gardens with dappled sunlight or locations that receive morning sun and afternoon shade. While these hydrangea can tolerate some morning sun, protection from the intense afternoon sun is essential to prevent leaf scorch.
Regular watering, especially during dry spells, ensures the plant remains hydrated and promotes robust growth. While Macrophylla Hydrangea appreciates moisture, it’s essential to avoid waterlogged conditions that can lead to root rot. Mulching around the base of the plant helps retain soil moisture, regulates temperature, and suppresses weeds.
Pruning Mophead Hydrangea is a crucial aspect of its care, contributing to the plant’s health, shape, and blooming potential. Pruning is typically done in late winter to early spring. Gardeners often remove dead or weak wood and selectively trim older stems to encourage new growth and maintain a desired shape. However, it’s essential to note that some Macrophylla varieties bloom on old wood, meaning that flower buds are formed on the previous year’s growth. Therefore, heavy pruning in late winter can potentially remove these buds, impacting the summer floral display.
Winter protection is beneficial in colder climates to shield Macrophylla Hydrangea from harsh weather conditions. Applying a layer of mulch around the base of the plant helps insulate the roots and protect them from freezing temperatures. In severe winters, gardeners may also consider wrapping the entire shrub in burlap or providing a windbreak to prevent winter damage.
Leaves and Flowers
The large, ovate leaves, from which the plant derives its botanical name, add to its overall lushness. The leaves can measure up to 6 inches, creating a dense and luxurious canopy. While the leaves offer a rich green backdrop during the growing season, the enchanting flowers steal the show.
Mophead Hydrangea is renowned for its vibrant, show-stopping blooms that grace the garden from late spring to early autumn. The flower heads come in various colors, including shades of blue, pink, purple, and white, adding a dynamic and ever-changing visual element to the landscape. Gardeners can manipulate the colors by amending the Soil PH with materials such as aluminum sulfate for blue blooms or lime for pink blooms.

Our Selection of Mophead Hydrangea
Mophead Hydrangea boasts diverse cultivars and varieties, each offering unique characteristics to cater to different preferences and garden designs. Some notable cultivars include Endless Summer series, including the Original (Bailmer) and Endless Summer Bloomstruck, celebrated for their ability to bloom on both old and new wood, extending the flowering season, as well as Twist and Shout, Summer Crush, Blushing Bride, and the amazing new cutie, Popstar.
Nikko Blue is old-time hydrangea renowned for its intense blue flowers. Other older varieties include Merritts Supreme, Mini Penny and Penny Mac. Some of the notable newer Proven Winner hybrids include the compact dwarf reblooming Cityline series (Berlin, Mars, Paris, Rio, Venice, Vienna) and Let’s Dance series (Arriba, Big Band, Big Easy, Blue Jangles, Cancan, Can Do, Diva, Lovable, Rave, Rhythmic Blue, Sky View).
Macrophylla hydranges is our most popular variety and our offerings have included Akadama, Big Daddy, Dear Delores, Diamond Rouge, Edgy Hearts, Everlasting Revolution Series (Amethyst, Pistaschio etc), Fairy Trail Bride (a gorgeous trailing bloom), Glowing embers, Grateful Red, Heartthrob, Lady in Red (red stems), Marisei Variegated, Miss Saori, Moonrock, Red Charm Dwarf, Ruby Blossom, Starfield, Star Gazer, Wedding Gown, Zebra (black stems).